♥ The Truth of Life

Do we have a purpose,
is a question one will often ask
Is there a higher power out there,
some greater task
The truth will hurt many,
not only a few
People have a hard time dealing with
that which is true
There is nothing greater that watches your back
Deal with it, stop crying and build your own stack
You are responsible for the life that you lead

It is not someone else’s fault when you don’t get what you need
If one wants the stars,
they must be grabbed by one’s own hand
Nothing in life is freely given ...
there is no promised land

So the question remains,
why are we here
For those without faith,
the answer is painfully clear
We live only for today and
if we are lucky the morrow
To us there is no afterlife,
but that brings us no sorrow
Self improvement is our main goal
and it starts in the here and now

We refuse to be filled with illusions of grandeur
and get fat off them like a cow
The best of us seek improvement in every area we can
Without the proper balance of self
there can be no complete man

Wisdom is for the wise
and that is one of the things we strive to be
Vision in what was once blind,
reality is what we wish to see
The past can lend us wisdom
if we choose to open our eyes
Sadly for the masses

it is easier to stomach soothing lies
Self-improvement starts with vision
and vision is the key to all
Vision gives us the gift of truth,
but few can handle it and many fall
For us lucky few who can handle truth
the road is bright ahead

We strive for perfection,
but get betterment instead
Strength is another goal that we fight hard to seek
We know that in the end
nothing will be given the weak
To be great in life one must be strong
The meek shall inherit nothing,
their reign never long
Sadly power can taint
and if that happens, destroy
Power is not for the weak of mind,
but it can be a joy
Might may try it’s hardest
but it can never honestly make right
Though it is important to note that
history is written by the victor of a fight
Though it can be bad,
strength is a tremendously important tool

On the path of self-improvement
you will meet many a fool
Too many people cannot handle truth
and they will try and eliminate the source
So if you are strong enough,
they can never make you change course

Self-improvement may be the main but
there is another that is key
Procreation is the natural drive of life,
for you and for me
In truth,
there is only one way after death to live on
And that is through procreation,
the creation of your spawn
Children are your life force

and they make you feel wonderfully alive
They give focus to your chaos
and motivation for your drive
Without children a person is never whole
They lack an essential ingredient,
that one special role
Nothing can fill the void except when a child is put in the space
Their life lends you power,
there is magic in their face

I have answered the question,
though some may not like what I have said
I smile and wave them goodbye,
for I know the truth in their stead
I cannot force vision on the masses,
but I will forever strive to try
My gift of vision is for those who want to see
through life’s lie
I once was blind but now I see

However, it wasn’t god that did this for me
I walked the path of self-improvement
with my own two feet
Due to this fact I can never be beat
I can deal with just about any problem
that can come my way
When times get tough I don’t get on my knees
and pray

I deal with whatever comes
at me while standing proud
I refuse to settle for mediocrity
I will always stand out in a crowd

Life is hard,
that is a fact that people have to understand
And of course there are times
when you need a helping hand
No man is an island, and I totally agree
My problem lies with people who only want to lean on me
When you never hold your self up,
you deny yourself improvement

If you let your muscles atrophy, then you can never have positive movement
A life without a child and with no betterment
is a life wasted
That is a life that was smelt
and looked at but never tasted
I have given you enough wisdom
to ponder for the day
Question everything or forever frozen you’ll stay

Gratisan Musik

Thursday, May 14, 2009

my happy happy best day in ma life!!

x tau nk stat dr mn ni..adoiii,ni la masalh ak kalo dh suma best mula la ak pon dok dlm dilema.sebenaqnya dr pg td pas bgn tidoq ingat nk grab sat laptop ak nk update blog.tp x sempat la plak sbb nk rush p klas kol 9.heheheh..sebenaqnya tarikh 14 may 1985 ni adalh date di mn ak telah selamat dilahirkan ke dunia yg fana ni oleh mak ak yg tercinta.


Terima kasih mak kerana telah melahirkan kak ke dunia ni dgn penuh kesabaran dan juga ngan kegigihan walopun mak terpaksa mengharungi loya dan muntah2 selama 9 bulan mak mengandungkan ank mak ni termasuk la abg,n adik2.Segala jasa n pergorbanan mak x terbls dek kata-kata hanya dgn iringan doa yg dpt kak pohonkn.I LOVE YOU MAK!!!SO DAMN muCHHHHHHH n U R MA WORLD!!

Selamat mak ak kawen ngan abah ak, kalo x ak xkan jd ank depa n mungkin ak x akn wujud kt dunia nih...


smlm memg ak dikenakn cukop2 oleh kak dina ak(ma lovey dovey sista),nurul(ma best adek rumate) n kak kin(kaklong)...pastu ma best fren was there also(kimpossible)..heheh,kim jgn mare ek..love u all!!!


Especially for kak deena,

Thank you so very much for all the celebration party last 9te.It was so awful.I was just like shockederebel...hahaha.pandai no tipu cek kata nk beli panadol la kt bwh,then dh beli tetiba bwk cek nk p tgk nurul plak.cek pon konpius napa la plak buang tebiat ke hapa kakak ak nih tetiba nk bz body plak sal org nih cuz kakak ak nih dia bkn suka nyibok hal org len.ak pon kata la "biaq p la nurul jmpa membe dia tuh,x yah kaco"..pastu kak deena ak pon jwb nk kaco sat..ak ngan masih dlm keblurrannya pon tanpa segan silu pon ikot la..tetiba ak nmpk kim..aik,x kan rumate ak ad affair ngan kim.ak pon panggei kim.."kim,watpa kt bwh nih?"....kim pon wat dunno je..chet,nk kena kim nih.hehe


dh smpi kt tmpt lepak bwh tu,then kak deena bisik kt tinga ak wishing happy besday to me..then kak kin bwk kuaq ma kek(kak kin kenakn ak rupanye..kata nk p juai kek kt ateh rupanye,dia dok siapkn kek kt bwh) ...memg best la...sbb dulu time blajaq kt diploma x dpt sambut cuz cmna nk smbut asal cuti sem ja jatuh bln may..huhuhuhu..


pastu depa pon nyanyi lagu kebanggaan utk besday la slalunya...happy besday 2 u,happy besday 2 u,happy besday to Diyana, happy besday to u..ak nagn penuh kegirangan n kehappyan pun meniup la lilin2 yg tercucuk kt kek tuh..tgk2 balek arrrrrrr ma favourite kek-cappucino kek- am luvin it!ni kak deena ak nye idea la nih sbb dia sorg ja tau yg ak sk kek tuh..pastu kn ad bihun grg n air orange...sedaaaaaap banget!!tp sbb ak x tau depa nk smbut so ak mam la maggi kt umah sbb lapaq dh, kalo ak x mkn t gastrik tuh mai serang ak lg. patot la ak ajak kak deena mkn dia kata x slera.ak pon x bajet la sbb dia tgh caket peyot time tuh.


masa dok mkn2 then kak dna pon ckp nk kek lg,ak pon ptg bg then ermmmm pipi ak jd bertambah gebu ngan compact powder lemak bercheese dr kek kapucino yg telah kak dna tenyehkn kt muka ak yg dh tomei nih.ahakzzz..

pastu ak pon huh ap lg...sorg2 la menjd mangsa ak.kim asal kena ja dia p bsh, pastu kena lg..then dia p bsh.then kena lg..bsh gak.,haishh,x penat ka kim nih dok keja basuh muka ja..ak pon x puas ati bg trus kt baju dia...yayyyyyyyy!!mission complete.

yg dak nurul nih dok keja lari sana lari cnih takot kena kek n tepung last kali dpt gak kotorkan muka n baju dia yg cantik berseri tuh.kak kin dia keja nk elak smpi lari pusing lari masok kt lobby blok dia.last kali dpt gak kt ak.trus ak tempek tepung kt dia.ngan serta merta kak kin dh bertukaq jg nenek sat mlm tuh..tu la sapa suh lari sgt.

huuhu..ni part ak kena teloq ngan tepung jagung..depa lupa nk lengkapkn ramuan tuh..butter ja xdak.kalo x dh ley wat kek.hahhaha..
memg rambut ak keras n lawa giler..trus ak x yah pki masker sbb teloq yg dipcahkn telah memaskerkn ak.depa ni pon,kalo x mao teloq tu bg la kt ak, ak dh la suka mkn teloq ley gak ak grg mkn ngan nasik.sedap n x membazir...hehehhe...ak kena suma cukop lengkap teloq n tepong jagung.abeh baju suma bau hanyir.ap lg ak pon dh nmk tmpt persemunyian tepung so ak pon amek n bg kt sorg2.

Next, ak ingat kim minum air x pala,sekali dia mai kt ak trus simbah ak ngan air sejuk siap ad ais ketoi lg.adoiiiiiii..memg sejuk ja ak r
s.abes basah....huhuhuhu..

part yg plg kelakar time ak nk tempek kek kt nurul,dia punya jerit mcm dlm filem thriller yg ak slalu tgk.huauhauhauaua..cian nurul..


slesai sudaaa suma, ktaorg pon kemas2 suma sbb msg2 sok ad klas pg.

dh jd satu keja nk cuci,yg plg kuat bau teloq ak la.dh mandi suma,okayy time to rest n sleep.

suddenly, kak dna bg kotak agak la besaq gak.kak dna nih suka tol wat surprise la...skali tgk aduhaiiii x smpi ati nk bukak sbb dianye reben punya la lawa,tp nk kena bukak gak nk tgk ap dlm tuh..bukak2 yahoooooo..ak dpt moo moooooo...gmbq dia as shown right side:

to be continue.....(T_T)


sicKo^ on May 15, 2009 at 8:37 AM said...

Happy Birthday.. May all your wishes come true.. May U have a GREAT birthday!!

Anonymous said...

Translation translation translation. I want translation *snooty*

Whos idea was it :D haha glad u had fun :)

Happy Birthday again

tiang86 on May 15, 2009 at 4:46 PM said...

aku x de utk berkelompot bersama diaorg...

none on May 21, 2009 at 7:45 PM said...

tu le tiang..wugi wugi..
kalo x..
leh kenakan die terlampao lagi..huhuhu

dyon on June 1, 2009 at 12:05 AM said...

to bro(sicko):thank u somuch bro...ya it's damn a great birthday..hope so all ma wishes will come ture soon

jonybr:no translation for u, u hv to take Malay language class...hehehehe..

tiang:am glad that u r not around on that day..kalo ad nanya ak weh...hehehe

teman:u r the best sista!thank u so much once again for the Great birthday.it's ma unforgettable memories in ma whole life..:D

faridzulnaim on June 2, 2009 at 9:25 PM said...

hehe..what so funny...

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